Manzanar was a World War II Japanese Internment Camp located on Route 395 between Lone Pine and Independence California. I had the opportunity to spend some time in the visitor’s center and took many pictures. I also watched the video that I posted below. Please watch the video as it tells many stories of these poor people who had everything taken from them just because of their ancestry. Although this is a beautiful area, the climate can be difficult. The living quarters were hastily slapped together and did not always shield the inhabitants from the harsh elements. Over 11,000 Japanese Americans were processed through Manzanar.
This is a model of what the camp used to look like. Only a few buildings remain.
This is a list of all the people who lived at Manzanar.
Eight people were assigned to each living area which measured 20x25 feet.
This is the Manzanar cemetery. 135 people died at Manzanar, 28 were buried in Manzanar's cemetery.
For more information about Manzanar, click the link below to visit their website.